Pro-drilling Editorial from Corning Leader

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Corning Leader (Oct 7):
Gas drilling an important opportunity

Well, what do you know? A positive editorial from a news outlet (for a change). This one from the Corning Leader says in part:

[S]ometime next spring or summer we’ll see the beginning of what could be a drilling bonanza in the Southern Tier. Hundreds of wells have already been tapped in Pennsylvania and the same level of activity could happen here.

Potentially, that could generate billions in new revenue for a sustained period of time. Gas companies, support companies, engineering firms and so on are expected to follow others that have already located in the Southern Tier to tap into the northern tip of the Marcellus Shale. Those companies will create jobs, pay taxes and have a beneficial ripple effect through other sectors that could revive one of the poorest areas of the country.

Thank you for talking about the positive side of drilling!