Another Cool Idea from Kane, PA – Turn Old Schools into Marcellus Shale Training Centers

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Must be something in the water in Kane, Pennsylvania. They just keep having great ideas! Not long ago we learned that the Kane Borough Sewer Authority is going sell (for money!) sewer water to drillers in the Marcellus, which will create a nice, new revenue stream for the township. Now they’re talking about possibly converting empty school buildings into training centers for those who will need job training to work in the Marcellus Shale.

With Kane located in the middle of a key Marcellus Shale gas location, could its vacant schools provide sites for training or other services for the well-drilling bonanza?

This question was explored Thursday by the Ad Hoc Committee that is looking at options for utilizing the vacant Mt. Jewett Elementary School and the soon-to-be vacant Chestnut Street Elementary School in Kane.

Dr. Maryann Anderson, superintendent of the Kane Area School District, said the companies involved in drilling Marcellus Shale gas wells “need to have a ready workforce.”

It was suggested that perhaps the vacant schools in Kane and Mt. Jewett could house training centers for the companies that need workers for various jobs associated with the Marcellus wells.*

The great ideas just keep coming—from Kane!

*The Kane Republican (Mar 26) – Could schools provide services for area drilling boom?


  1. Dr. Anderson, the new superintendent of the Kane School District is amazing, ethical, justice-driven, a natural problem solver and forward-thinker. My mother lives in Kane and the area really needs new industry and good restaurants, too. I’ve been involved in other community redevelopment projects (in Pittsburgh, PA through “Weed and Seed” a federal redevelopment grant). The idea of training centers at these old schools is a brilliant idea. My idea of using part of one of the schools for a satellite Culinary Arts school for one of the Pittsburgh-based Culinary schools will fly out the window when this huge money-maker takes the forefront! Kane does need better restaurants, and so I’d love to see a small consideration for at least a student-chef-run cafeteria for all the Marcellus trainees! They’ll have very little to chose from as far as places to eat in Kane. I’d contact Pennsylvania Culinary Institute to see if they’d provide a satellite training site in conjunction with this initiative, otherwise the trainees will be sorely disappointed with the restaurants and one grocery store in Kane.

    I am also a Chef and have taught cooking; my culinary school had a restaurant open to the public and many people were pleased with this option. Good luck! L. Komara

  2. As a retired Geologist and drilling owner/contractor I would LOVE to teach in the Marcellus Shale Gas industry, particularly in the Williamsport area.