NY DEC Posts Entire Draft of New Marcellus Shale Drilling Regulations – Download it Here

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The New York Department  of Environmental Conservation (DEC) posted the full copy of the draft SGEIS (Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement), otherwise known as the new drilling regulations for Marcellus and other shale gas drilling, last Friday. MDN has not yet had a chance to fully digest the new rules. When we do, we’ll post more about them. In the meantime, you can read the entire 1075 pages for yourself by downloading the file below.

2011 Preliminary Revised Draft SGEIS

Download the entire 2011 Preliminary Revised Draft SGEIS document (PDF) (29.3 mb) as a single PDF file.

Or, access the individual sections below.

Table of contents (PDF) (552 kb)

Executive Summary (PDF) (323 kb)

I. Introduction (PDF) (328 kb)

II. Description of Proposed Action (PDF) (839 kb)

III. Proposed SEQRA Review Process (PDF) (615 kb)

IV. Geology (PDF) (2.6 mb)

V. Natural Gas Development Activities and High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing (PDF) (4.6 mb)

VI. Potential Environmental Impacts (PDF) (4.5 mb)

VII. Existing and Recommended Mitigation Measures (PDF) (1.1 mb)

VIII. Permit Process and Regulatory Coordination (PDF) (980 kb)

IX. Alternative Actions (PDF) (520 kb)

X. Review of Selected Non-Routine Incidents in Pennsylvania (PDF) (593 kb)

XI. Summary of Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures (PDF) (524 kb)

Bibliographies and Glossary (PDF) (1.4 mb)

Appendices 1 through 9 (PDF) (2 mb)

Appendices 10 through 18C (PDF) (2.8 mb)

Appendices 19 through 27 (PDF) (2.2 mb)