A (Very) Rough Method for Calculating Royalties on Cabot Wells

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Cabot Oil & Gas, one of our favorite Marcellus drillers, has just published a new PowerPoint slide deck presentation as part of an investor's conference they attended earlier this week (the Scotia Howard Weil Energy Conference). Normally a new slide deck isn't all that big a deal. However, thanks to MDN friend Chris Acker who pointed it out to us, there is some new information in the deck worthy of note. Back in December MDN brought you the news that Cabot had signed a deal to sell off their Texas Eagle Ford Shale assets in order to concentrate solely on the Marcellus (see Cabot O&G Sells Texas Eagle Ford Assets for $765M, Focus on Marc.). The slide deck notes that the Eagle Ford divestiture closed on Feb. 28th (slide #3). Also in the slide deck is a mention that Cabot plans to experiment with drilling "upper Marcellus" wells in the second half of 2018 (slide #11). Most (all?) of the wells they've drilled to date are "lower Marcellus." A successful program of drilling upper Marcellus certainly bodes well for existing landowners with existing lower Marcellus wells--perhaps Cabot will revisit those pads to drill new wells? Slide #11 has some great information on it. We've used it to create a (very) rough royalty estimation calculator for Cabot landowners...

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