Search Results for: "mariner east"

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PA Judge Says Mariner East Pipe Didn’t Have Eminent Domain 12 Yrs Ago

A Washington County, PA, judge is closing the barn door about 12 years late. On February 7, Washington County Court of Common Pleas Judge Brandon P. Neuman ruled Sunoco Pipeline, LLC (i.e., Energy Transfer) did not have the eminent domain authority to take property for the Mariner East Pipelines in 2013 from Bradley and Amy…

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Josh Shapiro’s Mariner East Water Testing Program in PA is a Bust

The government screws up just about everything it touches — ever notice that? A perfect example is a water testing program set up by then-Attorney General Josh Shapiro in December 2022. In August 2022, Shapiro, who AG at the time, announced that he had finally bullied Energy Transfer into pleading “no contest” (meaning they don’t…

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What Happened to $42 Million in Fines Paid by Mariner East Pipe?

In July, MDN compared the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection to an organized crime mob with its ongoing shakedowns in assessing “fines” on the Mariner East pipeline project (see PA DEP Squeezes Another $660,000 from ME2 Pipe for “Violations”). At that time, we were aware that over $30 million had been extorted (er, a, extracted)…

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Energy Transfer Fixing Dent Recently Discovered in Mariner East 2X Pipe

The Mariner East Pipeline system, including Mariner East 1 (ME1), Mariner East 2 (ME2), and Mariner East 2X (ME2X), completed construction and went online in the first quarter of 2022 (see All Construction for Mariner East 2 Pipeline Now Done, Online 1Q). Pipeline operators like Energy Transfer (ET), the builder and operator of the ME…

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PBS Hypes New Mariner East Pipe “Sinkhole” in Chester County, PA

One of the challenges faced by Energy Transfer in building its Mariner East 2 (ME2) pipeline (two pipelines) to transport NGLs from southwestern PA and eastern OH to the Marcus Hook refinery near Philadelphia was the terrain in Chester County, near Philly. The area has a karst topography–think of it as Swiss cheese underground, where…

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PA PUC Cuts $48K Refund Check for Mariner East Pipeline Penalty

In March, MDN told you that the Deputy Chief Administrative Law Judge of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) issued a ruling against the now completed Mariner East 2 pipeline project, assessing a $51,000 fine on the project for work done near an apartment complex (see PA PUC Judge Fines Mariner East Pipe $51K for…

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Mariner East & Marcus Hook Hit Record High M-U NGL Exports in 2Q

Earlier this week, Energy Transfer (ET), the builder of the mighty Mariner East pipelines and owner/expander of the Marcus Hook refinery, issued its second quarter update. The company had plenty of positive news to report, including net income of $1.33 billion, a $700 million increase from the same period last year. In July, the company…

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Mariner East Pipe Fulfills Promise as Southeast Pa. Economic Engine

As we told you last week, Energy Transfer, during its first quarter update, spoke about the now-completed Mariner East pipeline system that flows NGLs, including ethane, propane, and butane, from eastern Ohio and southwestern Pennsylvania all the way to southeastern PA and the Marcus Hook terminal (see Energy Transfer 1Q: ME Pipe Done; Possible Marcus…

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PA’s Green Party Candidate for Gov a Mariner East Pipe Hater

It must be sad to live your life focusing all your energy on something you hate. You live in a prison of someone else’s making. You hand the keys of your happiness to someone else, rather than being the captain of your own destiny. Such must be the life of the Pennsylvania “Green” Party’s candidate…

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PA PUC Judge Fines Mariner East Pipe $51K for Work Near Apt Bldg

Earlier this week the Deputy Chief Administrative Law Judge of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) issued a ruling against the now completed Mariner East 2 pipeline project, assessing a $51,000 fine on the project. Which is relatively minor considering the project has already been fined by the PA Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) more…

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Antis Lie About Work to Commission & Restore Mariner East Pipe

Even though construction is completed for the Mariner East pipeline system, anti-fossil fuelers are still lying about the project and its status. Energy Transfer said during its recent quarterly update that Mariner East is in the process of being commissioned, i.e. tested (see All Construction for Mariner East 2 Pipeline Now Done, Online 1Q). As…

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All Construction for Mariner East 2 Pipeline Now Done, Online 1Q

Frankly, we sometimes wondered if we would ever see this day! Fantastic news: The Mariner East Pipeline system, including Mariner East 1 (ME1), Mariner East 2 (ME2), and Mariner East 2X (ME2X), is now completely built and in the ground. According to an update by builder and owner Energy Transfer issued yesterday, the company is…

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Mariner East Pipeline Protesters “Put First Responders at Risk”

In a new column on the City & State – Pennsylvania magazine website, Bruce Castor unloads on “unruly protesters” who, by their actions, endanger the lives of first responders called out to rescue them when they go too far in attempting to block the Mariner East pipeline project. Castor calls on these dunderheads to “fully…

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Mariner East 2 Pipeline Replaces Small Section, Antis Have a Cow

As part of the process of installing and commissioning a new pipeline, like the Mariner East 2 pipeline, the builder (Energy Transfer in this case) runs a “smart pig” (a pipeline inspection gauge) through the pipeline to ensure there are no defects or issues. ET’s smart pig detected a potential problem in a newly installed…

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PA Charges Mariner East Pipeline $8M+ to Fix Marsh Creek Lake

While drilling in Chester County in August 2020 in the Marsh Creek State Park area, Energy Transfer’s (ET) Mariner East 2X pipeline experienced an “inadvertent return”–nontoxic drilling mud coming up out of the ground where it’s not supposed to (see Mariner East 2X Construction Causes Another Drilling Mud Spill). In this case, an estimated 8,100…

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PA PUC Dismisses Case Against Mariner East Pipe “With Prejudice”

So many lawsuits and appeals of actions have been filed against the Mariner East pipeline system (being built by Energy Transfer and its subsidiary Sunoco Logistics) we’ve lost count. Dozens? Hundreds? Who knows! We try to highlight some of them–the more important ones that have the potential to slow or stop work on the 99%…