Search Results for: shapiro crime

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PA AG Shapiro Charges ECA/Greylock with Environmental Crimes

In early 2018, the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) collected a whopping $1.7 million fine from Energy Corporation of America (ECA) for violations at 17 well sites in Cumberland, Jefferson, and Whiteley Townships in Greene County, and Goshen Township in Clearfield County (see Energy Corp of America Fined $1.7M for Drilling Violations in PA)….

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Corrupt PA AG Shapiro Charges Mariner East 2 Pipe with 48 Crimes

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, who is running for the Democrat nomination for governor in 2022, accepts big donations from Big Green groups. Ergo, his office is an open door for Big Green to use to falsely prosecute the shale industry in PA. The latest egregious abuse of the AG’s power happened yesterday when the…

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Grandstanding PA AG Shapiro Postpones Event Charging ME2 with Crimes

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro (who is running for governor next year) abruptly canceled an event yesterday that his office had hyped to the media. Shapiro was supposed to announce criminal charges against Sunoco Logistics and parent Energy Transfer over the construction of the Mariner East 2 (ME2) pipeline. Isn’t that great? Build a pipeline,…


PA AG Shapiro Tries to Turn Fracking into a Crime in 12+ Cases

In what has to be unethical at a minimum, and perhaps even illegal at the maximum, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro spoke on the phone with two anti-drilling “reporters” from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Don Hopey and David Templeton) to let them know he is on an official witch hunt launching “more than a dozen investigations”…

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PA AG Shapiro Says 2017 Inflection Wastewater Spill is a Crime

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro claims an accident in 2017 (based on human error) that resulted in 63,000 gallons of produced water in Lycoming County, PA spilling onto the ground (outside the well pad) is negligent and a crime. Shapiro has filed criminal charges against Inflection Energy and the subcontracting company they used, Double D….

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Josh Shapiro’s Mariner East Water Testing Program in PA is a Bust

The government screws up just about everything it touches — ever notice that? A perfect example is a water testing program set up by then-Attorney General Josh Shapiro in December 2022. In August 2022, Shapiro, who AG at the time, announced that he had finally bullied Energy Transfer into pleading “no contest” (meaning they don’t…

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Civil War Erupts in PA Enviro Movement re Gov. Shapiro Deal with CNX

Last Friday, MDN brought you the news that CNX Resources CEO Nick DeIuliis had signed a voluntary deal with Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro to expand drilling setbacks and several other regulatory steps not mandated for shale drillers under PA law (see CNX Signs Deal with PA Gov. to Increase Setbacks, Other Changes). Shapiro’s office front-loaded…

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Josh Shapiro Nominates Former NFL Player to Head PA DEP

Josh Shapiro has nominated Rich Negrin, a former top official (and Deputy Mayor) of Philadelphia, to become the next Secretary of the Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP). Negrin has some (not a lot of) energy-related experience. He was vice president for four years at Commonwealth Edison, the largest electric utility in Illinois, handling regulatory policy…

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Better Path Coalition Demands Gov. Shapiro Ban PA Fracking

The Better Path Coalition is a mish-mash of the some of the most radical leftwing “environmental” groups in Pennsylvania, including THE Delaware Riverkeeper, 350 Philadelphia, EcoJustice Working Group, Freshwater Accountability Project, and many more. Some of their members are not beyond committing crimes in the name of supposedly saving the planet (see Extremists Illegally Block…

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Shapiro Announces Water Testing for Homes Affected by ME Pipeline

In August, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro (a confirmed shale energy hater who becomes Governor on Jan. 1), announced that he had finally bullied Energy Transfer into pleading “no contest” (meaning they don’t admit to a darned thing) in a so-called criminal case against the company for a series of accidents affecting construction for both…

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Can Josh Shapiro Regulate PA’s Fracking Industry as Governor?

You know what we think of Pennsylvania’s foolish decision to elect the state’s current Attorney General, Josh Shapiro, to its next governor. If you care anything about the Marcellus industry in PA, you should be VERY concerned that Shapiro will attempt to scale back shale drilling in the state. He made a career out of…

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PA AG Shapiro Dismisses 14 Felony Charges Against Coterra re Dimock

The partisan bully Josh Shapiro, far-left Attorney General in Pennsylvania (who is becoming Governor on Jan. 1, to PA’s shame), has claimed victory in converting what was at best an accident into a crime against Coterra Energy (née Cabot Oil & Gas). Yesterday in a courtroom in Susquehanna County, PA, Coterra plead “no contest” to…

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PA AG Shapiro’s Vicious Attack Against Coterra Energy Continues

In June 2020, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro (Democrat) announced an indictment of Cabot Oil & Gas for allegations of methane migration going back more than a decade, long before he was elected as AG (see PA AG Charges Cabot with Enviro Crimes for Long-Settled Dimock). Shapiro’s indictment was a bogus charge, an attempt to…

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Gov-Elect Josh Shapiro’s Statements on Energy, Marcellus

In our opinion, Pennsylvania voters made a major mistake in electing Attorney General Josh Shaprio as their next governor (see Red Tsunami that Wasn’t – Repubs May Take House, PA Biggest Loser). But that ship has now sailed. We must now deal with what is, not what might have been (sad as that is). We…

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Shapiro Will Pretty Much Kill New Marcellus Drilling in PA as Gov

There is no question that Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro is anti-Marcellus Shale drilling. NO QUESTION. And if you look at his public statements, as reported by the official mouthpiece of the Democrat left (PBS), his own statements on the gubernatorial campaign trail indicate Shapiro will allow VERY little new drilling in the Marcellus. Most…

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What Happens to the Marcellus if Josh Shapiro Wins PA Governor?

To answer the question posed in the headline, the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania will be greatly harmed by a Shapiro administration, in our educated opinion. You need to know that before you send in a ballot or vote on election day. Josh Shapiro is no friend of the Marcellus industry. We’ve given you many examples…