Search Results for: keystone sanitary landfill

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New Town Board Tries to Stop Nearly-Done Gas-Fired Plant in Jessup

Just yesterday MDN warned you about a group of antis who had seized political control in the Pennsylvania borough of Jessup, where Invenergy is nearing completion of the state’s largest natural gas-fired electric generating plant (see PA’s Largest NatGas-Fired Elec Plant Near Scranton Nears Startup). True to form, no sooner than the antis were sworn…

Marcellus & Utica Shale Story Links: Fri, Apr 8, 2016

The “best of the rest” – stories that caught MDN’s eye that you may be interested in reading. In today’s lineup: Everyone expects more Marcellus/Utica dry gas this year; Big Green groups try to block northeast pipelines; Rockefeller o&g divestment shown a fraud; rural PA under siege by Gov; should PA DEP Secretary be an elected position?; western…

Marcellus & Utica Shale Story Links: Mon, Jan 11, 2016

The “best of the rest” – stories that caught MDN’s eye that you may be interested in reading. In today’s lineup: Marcellus “most susceptible” to rig departures; DEP gives Keystone Sanitary Landfill more time to make case; CONSOL flaring Greene County well; Penn State caves to global warming nutters; Vermont pipeline goes forward; some E&Ps are zombies–the “walking…

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Marcellus Gas to Power Combined-Cycle Electricity Plant in NE PA

A very interesting latest-and-greatest technology is slated to be used in an electricity generating power plant in Jessup Borough (Lackawanna County), PA. The project will use locally produced Marcellus Shale gas from northeastern PA to power a combined-cycle electricity plant. Here’s how combined-cycle technology works: In the first pass, natural gas is burned and the…