MDN Weekly Update – Mar 20, 2011

It was an exciting week  for MDN. We launched our first special report on Monday, Will There Be Marcellus Shale Drilling Near Me? Drilling Permits for Marcellus Shale Gas Wells from January 2010 to February 2011 (see here). In order to download the free report, users are asked to first fill out a brief survey. Over 300 of you have done just that—a huge thank you! The results of the survey have been very interesting—especially the response to the last question which asks how we can make the site better for you. A number of people have left recommendations and suggestions—very good advice that we take to heart. So in the near future you’ll see some refinements here and there. And a big thank you for the encouragement and compliments you’ve left in your comments. Everyone likes an at-a-boy (or -girl) once in a while.

Among the comments received, from someone who downloaded and used the special report, is that “it sure would be nice if you gave the contact details for the drilling companies in the report.” We had thought of doing just that, but elected to wait and provide that information in a companion report due out soon. Only so many hours in a day! So keep watch on MDN for a guide listing details for each drilling company. In the meantime, you can always visit their websites. Most of them are listed on our Links page under the category “Energy Companies & Drillers”: //

Below you’ll find the “top 5” and calendar listings.

Happy reading,
Jim Willis, Editor

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