
bullseyeMarcellus Drilling News (MDN) now accepts advertising. The readers and visitors of MDN are highly interested in the issue of drilling in the Marcellus and Utica Shales.

From landowners to drilling companies, government agencies to businesses with an interest in shale gas and the drilling industry, MDN has a variety of people who regularly visit and read about a topic they are intensely interested in–drilling in the Marcellus and Utica Shales.

Each month your ad can be displayed over 100,000 times to an audience vitally interested in Marcellus and Utica Shale drilling.

Unlike other sites, MDN will not display ads unrelated to the interests of its readers. Each ad must be relevant to one of the constituencies visiting this site. Advertising on this site will not be available through advertising networks like Google. Ads must be purchased directly from MDN.

You may request MDN’s media kit below with details of the MDN audience and available advertising opportunities and rates.

Media Kit Request
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