Gastar Adds 2 New Independent Directors to Board

Gastar Exploration, a major driller in the Marcellus/Utica, has added two new independent directors to its board of directors--bumping the number of directors from five to seven. "Independent" means what it sounds like--no prior affiliation or agenda other than to help the company grow and expand. Often times board directors are populated with major investors or, unfortunately, corporate raiders like acolytes of Carl Icahn who infest the board at Chesapeake Energy. The two new board members at Gastar have no such agendas: one is the previous Chairman of the Department of Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M, and the other is a petroleum engineer with 30 years of experience. Just the kind of people you want to have guiding the management team at one of the most important drillers in the Marcellus/Utica...

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