Hess COO Sells $540K of Company Stock
From time to time we tell you about so-called "insider selling" or "insider buying"--by which we mean someone in top management or on the board of directors is buying or selling stock in the company for which they work. We've just had another instance. In September, first a Hess board member John H. Mullin III purchased $381,430 worth of company stock (see Hess Board Member Buys 7K Shares, Now Owns $3.2M in Hess Stock), then Hess CEO John Hess bought a whopping $7.5 million worth of company stock (see Hess CEO John Hess Buys 144K Shares of Co. Stock for $7.5M). Now we get word that Hess COO Greg Hill has just sold $540,180 worth of stock...
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