FTS International is the largest private (no publicly traded stock) well completion company in North America. In 2015 FTS fracked EQT's ginormous Scotts Run 591340 dry Utica well in Greene County, PA producing an initial production (IP) of 72.9 million cubic feet of natural gas per day (see
Private Company Fracked EQT’s Monster Utica Well, Working on More). That well is still the reigning champion for highest initial production. However, a year ago FTS sold off their sand hauling business and laid off over 40 people (see
FTS Intl Fires All Drivers & Mechanics in Sand Hauling Business). FTS euphemistically called it "adjusting head count." If you've ever been "adjusted," you know how it lousy it feels. We mentioned that FTS is the largest *private* well completion company in North America. That's about to change. Last week FTS filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, declaring its intent to raise $100 million via an initial public offering...
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