Gulfport Energy 1Q17 – Spud 26, Completed 5 Utica Wells

Gulfport Energy turned in their first quarter 2017 update earlier this week--a very impressive report. Gulfport reports producing an average 849.6 million cubic feet equivalent (MMcfe) per day in 1Q17--8% higher than 4Q16 and 23% higher than 1Q16. They scored an average price of $2.68 per thousand cubic feet (Mcf) for the gas they sold. Perhaps most impressively, the company went from losing $242 million in 1Q16 to making a profit of $154 million in 1Q17--a swing of $396 million. Gulfport is a big Utica Shale driller. During 1Q17, the company spud (began to drill) 26 new Utica wells. The average length of each well was 8,145 feet. They hooked up 5 Utica wells to pipelines. On an earnings call, Gulfport CEO Michael Moore said 38% of their Utica well completions during 1Q17 included fracture treatment designs of "greater than 2,500 pounds [of sand] per foot." That's a lot of sand! Marcellus and Utica drillers typically find more sand = better production--and that's what Gulfport is finding. Gulfport works with Mammoth Energy and Evolution Well Services--which operates rigs run by natural gas instead of diesel fuel. Below is the full 1Q17 update, along with comments from Moore delivered during the quarterly earnings call...

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