Halcón Resources Corporation, increasingly an important driller in the Utica Shale, released their second quarter update yesterday. Halcón CEO Floyd Wilson also held a conference call for analysts. On that call, Wilson boasted about Halcón's Utica Shale program--in particular the Kibler 1H well in Trumbull County which has been producing 2,233 barrels of oil equivalent per day--75% of it liquids. Halcón, which concentrates its drilling in "oily" plays like the Bakken and Utica, is currently operating 2 drilling rigs in Ohio/Pennsylvania. They've drilled nine Utica wells and are now evaluating the results. Halcón has 142,000 acres leased in the Utica Shale (primarily in Ohio).
Remarks about Halcón's Utica program from the conference call, and the Utica portion of yesterday's 2Q13 report:
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