Lights Out for All O&G Production in Quebec, Including Utica Shale
For years Canadian company Questerre Energy patiently waited to begin drilling on their extensive Utica Shale acreage in the St. Lawrence Lowlands of Quebec, Canada. Quebec has been like New York–completely closed to the oil and gas industry, particularly shale and fracking (see Quebec to Ban Utica Shale Drilling, Most Other Drilling Too). And yet Questerre kept trying. As recently as March of this year the company touted hydrogen (from natural gas) as the reason they should be allowed to drill in the Utica Shale (see Questerre Still Trying to Convince Quebec to Let Them Drill Utica). All hope is now gone. Three weeks ago Quebec announced it will expropriate all of the rights for all oil and gas companies in the province to drill and extract oil and natural gas. It’s all being shut down–including actively producing wells.
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