Green Scissors Proposes New Energy Taxes Under Guise of Spending Cuts
A completely bogus anti-drilling campaign calling itself "Green Scissors" attempts to pass off the latest anti-fossil fuel efforts by Friends of the Earth and two other unheard of, far left groups (Taxpayers for Common Sense and R Street) as cutting wasteful government spending. It is NOTHING of the sort. Their so-called interactive database identifies "more than $259 billion in environmentally-harmful government waste" that they hope Republicans in Congress will adopt. What it really is, is their recommendations for eliminating tax deductions that encourage energy companies to drill for oil and gas. Deductions like instead of the ability to write off an expense up front, in the year when the expense occurs--Green Scissors wants to force energy companies to amortize and depreciate the expense over the life of the asset (decades). In other words, raise taxes on energy companies. In the minds of Green Scissors--ALL MONEY belongs to the government and the government allows you to keep some of it--rather than the other way around...
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