Residents Near Leaking Triad Hunter Well in OH Still Displaced

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It's now 10 days since Triad Hunter, a division of Magnum Hunter, lost control of a Utica Shale gas well in Monroe County, OH (see Triad Hunter Well Blowout in Monroe County, OH – No One Injured). The problem is, for the 28 homes (50 or so people) who live nearby, they are still displaced--evacuated from their homes. They've been allowed back for a few hours at a time, periodically. But the wellhead needs to be replaced and until that's done, it's not safe for them to return full-time. Triad Hunter is hoping that Wild Well Control will have the wellhead replaced so that residents can return home tomorrow--December 23rd--and spend Christmas at home instead of at the friends, family and hotel rooms they're staying in now...

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