Anti-Drilling Groups File to Defend BLM’s New Federal Lands Frack Rule

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The "sue and settle" gang is back. A group of six virulently anti-drilling, fossil fuel-hating organizations, calling them (don't laugh) "conservation groups" (nothing of the sort) have filed to intervene in two lawsuits brought by the individual states and the oil and gas industry against the federal government over the new fracking rules released by the federal Bureau of Land Management (see BLM Introduces “Final” Fracking Rules for Fed Lands – 3 Yrs Late). Here's how it works with sue and settle: the federal government gets Big Green groups (with lots of money) to bring lawsuits against a department, like the EPA or BLM. The government agency then promulgates new restrictive and jobs-crushing rules that have the force of law because "the lawsuit and judge made us do it." And unless those "rules" are challenged in court to get them repealed, we end up with laws created by government agencies and judges instead of the legislature, the way the Founders intended. So when the good guys sue to overturn these overreaching "rules", the sue and settle gang with lots of Big Green money comes back to try and stop it. The groups are once again being led (by the nose) by Earthjustice and include the Sierra Clubbers, Earthworks, The Wilderness Society, Conservation Colorado Education Fund, Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance and Western Resource Advocates. None of them are truly concerned with "conservation," contrary to what they say. They are all left-leaning political groups...

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