New New Hampshire Gov Willing to Fight for NatGas Pipelines
Whoa, what's this: Is New England Turning from Blue to Red, politically? Perhaps! Prior to November's election in which Democrats continued their historic losing streak, the governors of the six New England states were pretty much in favor of more natural gas, including pipelines, for their region (see Blue State Blues: 6 New England States Want New Natgas Pipeline). However, there was only one true believer and supporter who didn't wilt at the first sign of pipeline opposition: Gov. Paul LePage from Maine, a Republican (and businessman), who has been a steadfast supporter of natural gas and the pipelines required to get it to his state. The other five governors, all Democrats, are scattered along a continuum of anti-gas to lukewarm in favor. In January LePage will be joined by a second natgas supporter and Republican, Chris Sununu, who will become the new governor of New Hampshire. The Sununu family is legendary in NH. Chris' dad John H. Sununu is a past governor of NH and was Chief of Staff in the George H.W. Bush (George Sr) White House. Chris' brother John E. Sununu is a former U.S. Senator from NH. The encouraging part? Chris Sununu said last week he wants more natgas pipelines in NH--and he's willing to fight for them...
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