OH Gov. Kasich Recycles Proposal to Increase Utica Severance Tax

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"Johnny could only sing one note / And the note he sang was this..." Ohio Gov. John "severance tax" Kasich is Johnny One Note when it comes to his desire to tax the Utica Shale industry and transfer their hard-earned money away to other people who didn't earn it. Kasich announced he would obstinately include a nosebleed-high Utica Shale severance tax (6.5%) in his biennium budget--again. Kasich has been pining for an increase in Ohio's severance tax for years (see our extensive list of Kasich severance tax stories here). OH legislators have already declared the proposal to increase the severance tax "dead on arrival." Kasich offered up this explanation for his addle-headed insistence on including it again: "Some might be cynical and say why does he keep putting this severance tax in when he knows it’s not going to pass...I don’t believe this legislature is going to enact higher severance taxes, but the day will come when they will.” Poor Johnny One Note singing (with gusto) the only note he knows...

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