FERC Guidance Requests Pipe & LNG Apps. Evaluate Global Warming

It appears President Trump has a problem at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). He needs to get three new conservative Republicans appointed to the Commission stat, to stem the liberal ideology that has taken root from bureaucratic lifers who populate the agency. One of great debates during the Obama reign of terror was the demand (by Obamadroids) that FERC consider the impact pipeline projects would collectively have on mythical man-made global warming. FERC Commissioners steadfastly refused to do so because they are specifically prohibited from doing so under their charter. However, last week FERC issued a new guidance document for midstream companies that file new applications with FERC for pipeline projects. The new guidance, while saying it has not changed any policies or regulations, "advises" (bureaucratic language for "you darn well better do it") that new pipeline applications should include a calculation of the projects' "greenhouse gases and weigh the impact on local, state or regional climate goals." In addition to these new hoops (i.e. non-regulation regulations) imposed by the bureaucrats at FERC, the agency also released a new "guidance" document (i.e. new regulatory hoops) for LNG project applications. Yep, it "advises"--but doe not require--LNG applications to "calculate" potential impacts on mythical man-made global warming...

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