Scott Pruitt - EPA Administrator
Yesterday President Trump signed an executive order titled the "Energy Independence Executive Order" which takes aim at, among a number of things, rolling back Obama's disastrous Clean Power Plan (see Energy Sanity Day: Trump Exec Order Axes CPP, Methane Rule). However, did Trump's executive order yesterday go far enough? Some conservatives say, "NO!" And some conservatives are angry with EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt--fingering him as the reason why Trump's executive order didn't do enough. Specifically, the Paris climate deal is not mentioned. In December 2015 then-President Obama signed the Paris climate agreement/treaty that commits the nations of the world to lower carbon dioxide emissions (see Paris Climate Treaty Signed by Obama NOT Binding on U.S.). Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the stuff you exhale with every breath you take. An overabundance of it is supposedly warming up ole Mom Earth--catastrophically. Except it’s not. There is no empirical data that shows the earth is heating up--only doctored computer models. Satellite data shows the opposite, the average temp of Mom Earth is not heating up and hasn’t been for nearly 20 years. But facts aren’t what the Paris agreement was about. We can tell you what the agreement is about in two simple points: (1) transferring massive amounts of hard-earned wealth away from America to other countries, via a carbon tax; (2) banning the use of all fossil energy--asap. Critics of yesterday's Trump executive order say it was a sterling opportunity to officially pull out of the Paris treaty, and Trump didn't, because (they say) Scott Pruitt wants to run for governor of Oklahoma, or the Senate...
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