In May 2015, Obama's rogue Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), along with the Obama U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), released a finalized rule clarifying what “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) means vis-à-vis what can be regulated under the federal Clean Water Act (see
EPA Power Grab: Redefines Waters of the U.S. to Include Everything). Essentially the rule change redefines everything down to mud puddles (no, we’re not exaggerating) as subject to the federal Clean Water Act. In October 2015 a federal judge stopped WOTUS from going into effect, while it’s litigated (see
Sixth Circuit Court Stops EPA from Implementing WOTUS Anywhere). It took a year, but in November 31 states along with other entities filed briefs with the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals opposing the rule (see
31 States Ask Court to Dump Obama WOTUS Rule as Unconstitutional). It now looks like we won't have to litigate it out after all. Yesterday, fulfilling a campaign promise, President Trump signed an Executive Order directing the EPA to reconsider WOTUS. Among the many at the signing ceremony was the new Administrator of the EPA, the marvelous Scott Pruitt--who has pledged to move forward immediately with rolling back WOTUS...
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