Update on Trump’s FERC Appointments – “Fixing FERC”

It sure seems like it's taking a long time for President Trump and his team to announce and put forward his nominees for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Shortly after taking office, Trump elevated one of the three sitting, Democrat Commissioners, Cheryl LaFleur to be Acting Chairman of the agency. That ticked off the then-current Chairman, Norman "crybaby" Bay, who promptly resigned (see FERC Commissioner Resigns Threatening Major M-U Pipeline Projects). Perhaps he saw the writing on the wall. The sitting President gets to appoint three of the five members of the Commission from his own party--so one of the Dems would have to go. Bay probably figured it would be him, so he jumped ship early, causing some damage to Marcellus/Utica projects because there is currently no quorum for important votes (see FERC Commissioner Norm Bay Targets M-U on Way Out the Door). Bay's last day was Feb. 3--and still we've not heard an official peep from the White House about Trump's planned three nominees. We've heard leaks about who Trump's picks will be (see Breaking: Kevin McIntyre, Neil Chatterjee are Trump Picks for FERC and Names Mentioned for 3rd FERC Post, Incl. PA’s Powelson). But we've not had confirmation of those names, nor a timetable for when they will be proffered to the Senate for a vote, which is required. Frankly, it's frustrating. We spotted an article about "fixing FERC" that includes a full rundown/bio for each of the three leading candidates that are rumored to in line for an appointment...

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