Range Resources’ 10-Year Pipeline Strategy About to Pay Off
Yesterday MDN received an email from subscriber Sandy R. who lives in southwestern PA. Her land is leased to Range Resources, and she recently read that Range "now has their own pipelines to carry Marcellus gas to better paying markets." In our response to Sandy, we mentioned that although producers sometimes buy a share of a pipeline, they rarely own pipelines outright. More often they sign long-term (10-20 year) agreements with large midstream companies to reserve capacity along pipelines. We went looking for which pipelines Range might have reserved capacity on that are near where Sandy lives, and found two things that caught our attention. One is a recent statement from Range bragging (our word) about a strategy they put in place 10 years ago to get enough pipeline capacity to move Marcellus gas out of the region to better paying markets. The second thing is we located a list of major northeast pipeline projects with the pipelines Range has reserved capacity along highlighted in yellow. Cool! So below is an article mentioning some of the pipelines Range says will be a game-changer for them in the near-term, followed by that list of pipelines they have reserved capacity along...
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