Small Victory for the Swamp – EPA Admin Scott Pruitt Resigns
Scott Pruitt, EPA Administrator, has been given the heave-ho by President Trump. We doubt Pruitt has done anything that merits his dismissal. He's certainly done nothing worse than hundreds (thousands?) of Democrats that infested the Obama Administration. Gina McCarthy, as EPA Administrator, committed crimes while in office that were totally ignored by the media. The difference between McCarthy and Pruitt is a biased and partisan mainstream media that's hounded Pruitt from Day One--because he's draining the swamp. Swamp Things fight back. And this time, they won a small victory by hounding Pruitt out of office (including physical threats to Pruitt and his family). D.C. these days kind of has the feel of a third world dictatorship. Not because of Trump, but because of the Swamp Things that infest it. Cross them, and they'll gang up on you like members of the Medellín Drug Cartel fighting to protect their turf. D.C. belongs to Swamp Dwellers--and they don't let outsiders like Pruitt, or Trump, forget it. Not for a single day. Pruitt's Deputy Administrator, Andy Wheeler, will take over as Acting Administrator. What do we know about Andy? He's certainly less controversial and combative than Pruitt. Andy used to work for Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe (good conservative). Andy doesn't believe in the fairy tale of catastrophic global warming, just as Pruitt didn't. Big Green Swamp Dwellers like the NRDC are voicing their concerns that Wheeler may be *more* effective than Pruitt at dismantling Lord Obama's numerous, onerous regulations. All good signs. However, our concern about Wheeler is that he has lived in and around D.C. most of his adult life. You can't live in that region for that long and not be somewhat tainted by Swamp Fever. That an the fact that Wheeler didn't support Trump and wrote some derogatory things about him during the campaign...
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