Is Marcellus/Utica Gas Production Finally About to Peak?
If you've read MDN for any length of time, you know we're not much for "peak" anything--peak oil or peak gas--the theory that we've hit the top and either supply or demand will decrease. There are those who espouse both peak oil and peak gas theories (the tinfoil hat brigade in our book). In point of fact, October is the 34th consecutive month for which natural gas production in America's shale plays has increased (see EIA Sep ’19 Drilling Report: M-U Growth Slows, Still a New Record). The rate of increase may have slowed a bit, but each month production (and use) still goes up. In Pennsylvania where the Marcellus reigns supreme, there's been an unbroken chain of quarter-over-quarter increases in horizontal shale gas production for twelve consecutive quarters, or 36 months (see IFO: PA Natural Gas Production Hits New All-Time High in 2Q19). So when we spot yet another article claiming we're entering the zenith, the top--and production is about to begin a slow decline "any month now" can color us skeptical.
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