Ohio Launches NARO Chapter for Landowners, Sept. Conference

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The National Association of Royalty Owners (NARO) is a volunteer-led, member-based, nonprofit organization established in 1980 to help U.S. mineral owners. The mission of NARO is to support, advocate, and educate for the empowerment of mineral and royalty owners. There are ten active chapters serving 18 states, including NARO-Pennsylvania and NARO-Appalachia for West Virginia, Kentucky, and North Carolina. A relatively new chapter (for us anyway) is NARO-Ohio. The Ohio chapter formed in 2018 when it separated from the Appalachia chapter. NARO-Ohio, like all chapters, did not hold in-person meetings during the pandemic. NARO-Ohio is now back and will hold a statewide convention on Sept. 16-17.

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