The latest monthly U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Drilling Productivity Report (DPR) for May, issued Monday (below), shows EIA believes shale gas production across the seven major plays tracked in the monthly DPR for June will decrease production from the prior month of May. This is the eleventh month in a row that EIA has predicted shale gas production will decrease for the combined seven plays and (according to Reuters) will hit the lowest production level in five months. However, gas production won’t decrease everywhere. Gas-focused plays like the Marcellus/Utica and the Haynesville will see the most significant drop in production (a combined loss of 443 MMcf/d). In contrast, the oily Permian play will see a massive boost in the production of “associated” natural gas — the gas that comes out of the ground along with oil --- up 143 MMcf/d. The Permian also adds another 18,000 barrels per day of oil production in June.
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