Harris Surrounds Herself with Anti-Fracking, Far-Left Advisors

Kamala "The Cackler" Harris
The Cackler (Kamala Harris) will be in North Carolina today, delivering a speech on her economic views and how she plans to fix the economic mess her administration has made over the past four years. She and her obedient mainstream media lapdogs will try to convince you she has changed. She now loves lower taxes, wants to fight crime, limit illegal immigration, etc. With fracking, she now loves it or at least will tolerate it, even though she has ALWAYS advocated for a full-on ban of fracking across the entire country. One of The Cackler's policies she will announce today will be to advocate for an anti-capitalist takeover by the government of prices for everything from gas to groceries. Price controls have NEVER worked, not once. Yet she will advocate for it today, and the media will try to convince dull viewers that it's the best thing since sliced bread. How do we know she's lying about fracking and other energy issues? Look at who is in her inner circle of economic advisers.

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