MDN Weekly Update – Aug 7, 2011: MDN Classified Ads – Reserve an Ad Now (Limited Number)

Poll resultsThe results of last week’s poll, which asked:

Should those who support drilling boycott businesses in municipalities that ban drilling until the ban is lifted?

Yes (76%, 151 Votes)
No (23%, 45 Votes)
Not sure (1%, 3 Votes)

Total Voters: 199

Regardless of your opinion and whether or not you support or would engage in a boycott, this past week we had proof positive that even the threat of a boycott works. Last week’s poll was inspired by the West Virginia Independent Oil & Gas Association’s (WVIOGA) response to a recently enacted drilling ban in the city of New Martinsville, WV (see this MDN article). City council members enacted the ban in early July. On Friday, August 5, council members voted to overturn the ban that was only a month old (see this article). Why? Because of WVIOGA’s threat to boycott businesses in the city. Perhaps more municipalities that have banned drilling should feel the heat from those who support it…

Classified Ads Coming to MDN!

For generations, the lowly classified ad has been an effective way for those with something to sell (product or service) to reach those with an interest in buying. MDN wants to make it easy for sellers and buyers to find each other, so we’ve introduced a Classifieds section on the website. MDN has a dedicated and growing community of readers. Currently there are 24,000 unique individuals who visit the site some 38,000 times each month! In addition, there are almost 1,400 people who subscribe to MDN’s daily email alert. Both sellers and buyers can now take advantage of reaching the MDN audience.

Here’s how MDN Classifieds works: Those with something to sell/an offer, including job listings, land leases and products & services for either landowners or the drilling industry, simply fill out a form on this page. MDN will review the ad and respond to confirm details and make arrangements for payment. When the ad is released, it will run for 30 days, reaching a potential audience of 24,000 people highly interested in Marcellus and Utica Shale gas. In addition, MDN will produce a special, dedicated email once per week with a list of all classifieds and email it to daily email subscriber list of 1,400 people. Your ad will be emailed 4x during its 30-day run.

You supply a brief, 40-word version of your ad that will display on the main Classifieds page and in the weekly email. But when readers click on your ad headline, they will go to your special, dedicated page on MDN where you can supply as many words as you like.

The cost? Just $75 per ad per month. Please note: MDN will limit the number of ads to 100 maximum so it’s always easy to quickly scan the list.

A very special offer: The official launch of the service will be September 6. However, if you want to reserve a spot now, your ad will begin running immediately and you will not be charged for the time between now and September 6. All ads must be pre-paid.

For more details and a sample ad, visit the MDN Classifieds page: //

Current Poll – The NYT Vendetta Continues

The New York Times started running “hit pieces” against the natural gas drilling industry earlier this year. The ongoing series is penned by Ian Urbina. What has become apparent is that Mr. Urbina has an anti-drilling ax to grind. Some of his earlier reporting was refuted by the Times’ own public editor, pointing out his so-called source for one story was a government agency intern (see this MDN story). But that doesn’t seem to matter to the managing editors at the Times. This past week we saw yet another drive-by hit piece penned by Mr. Urbina (see this MDN story).

A publication (and “brand”) like the New York Times has built a storied and well-deserved reputation based on its high standards going back for generations. However, in recent years it seems that the Times has swayed from reporting into advocacy—from impartial publication of record to propagandist rag. But for many, the aura of the once-great Gray Lady persists. It is inconceivable that what they now read in the Times may not be the truth.

So MDN wants to know what you think. Is the Times a good and reliable source of information about the shale gas drilling industry? Can we believe what they (and Mr. Urbina) publish? Or do you think that perhaps the Times is  not such a reliable source, as it once was. This week’s poll question asks:

With respect to shale gas drilling, is the New York Times a reliable source of information?

Register your vote along the right side of any page on the site.

Below are the most recent “top 5” lists and the calendar of Marcellus related events for the next few weeks.

Happy reading!
Jim Willis, Editor

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