As I previously emailed to let you know, some major behind-the-scenes changes are taking place for the MDN website. Last week, we changed the web host, which somehow inadvertently affected some people who had issues logging in and staying logged in. Today, we have changed the membership system, so a few of the links at the top will look different. If you are not logged in, you will see a Login button along the top right of the site (for the computer version). If you are logged in, you will see an Account button where you can manage the details of your MDN account.
This post is to alert you that things have changed, and you may be required to log in again (sorry about that). The benefit is that it should be MUCH easier to reset a password and login than in the past. However, there will be bumps along the way. There always are! If you have an issue, can’t log in, etc., please send me an email ( with the details, including how you are accessing–computer, tablet, phone–and which operating system you are using (Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone, etc.). I will work as fast as possible to get the issued resolved for you.
At the end of this process, the MDN website will be easier to access and use. A big THANK YOU for your patience as we get there.
Jim Willis – MDN Editor