
MDN Responds to a Reader’s Questions

Below is an email MDN recently received from a reader. I thought it would be instructive to share both the reader’s original email and my response so newer readers of MDN have a better understanding of what this blog is about, and the “angle” from which it comes with it’s coverage and commentary. Here is the reader’s email to MDN (the “sic” references below indicate where there are misspellings in the original email to me):

I have recently read an article on Marcellusdrilling.com, “Marcellus Drilling News,” entitled “Gas well blowout in Clearfield County, PA causes ‘modest’ environmental damage.”  I am currently obtaining my Masters of Science in Environmental Policy, and I have a few questions/ comments/ suggestions for this article in particular.  Although the article is informative to the extent it was intended, there are a few journalistic traps that you have wandered into.

First, the rhetoric of the “Anti-drillers” and “Mainstream media” is a tired plea for attention.  Those who want to believe the “mainstream media” will believe them, and those who wish to get their news from their uncle Lenny are going to do so as well, regardless of what an article communicates.  News releases, in my opinon [sic], lose strength when the closing statement bashes the media, and establishes apples to oranges comparisons, which leads me to my next point.

Comparing environmental degredation [sic] and drilling accidents to car accidents is a comparison that has absolutly [sic] no relavence [sic].  This ‘statistic’ (used loosley [sic]) is meaningless.  This is not unlike making the statement, “Hotdogs are one of the leading causes of choking among children, how many children choke on phonebooks, ZERO! Take this as a lesson and feed you child the yellow pages today.”  I know that this is a bit of an exageration [sic], but it is not too far off the comparison that was made in this article.

Lastly the wording downplaying the fracking fluid’s chemical contents by using a very sneaky “(mostly water)” comment.  Even though chemicals only compose 1% of the fracking fluid in drilling operations, this accident released nearly 350 gallons of pure chemicals, most of which are unknown.

In closing, in order to be a more reliable source of news for a public that is obtaining more “liberal education” (see how that takes away from the content of the letter), it would behoove Marcellus Drilling News to leave out these quips I have mentioned above.  If you would like to see how a news report should look, I have attached a shortened research report written by me on Marcellus law and policy in New York and Pennsylvania that you could post on your site.

There is one question that is on my mind and could also be another suggestion.  I would like to know where funding for this site originates.

Thank you for your time in reading this,

And here was my response:

Thanks for your email and research paper. I will take time to read it. I appreciate all comments, even from those who disagree with my own views. MDN is a blog site, I have a point of view, I express it. There is no funding for the site—it is a labor of love on my part. I receive no money from anyone for it. I work in a completely different (non-energy) industry and this is a “hobby” taking only an investment of my time (which I’ve had precious little of recently, hence few updates). As I’ve stated in comments on the site before, I reserve the right to run advertising on the site at some future date—but that in no way affects my opinions or coverage.

I feel, passionately, that environmental extremism coupled with ignorance is behind most anti-drilling sentiment, and I aim to counter-balance it with MDN. I believe drilling can be done safely. Zero accidents? Nope. We can’t expect it from ANY human endeavor—it’s just not a reasonable viewpoint. Safe enough? A resounding YES. That’s where I “come from” with my reporting and opinions. I’m not a journalist so I don’t worry about falling into journalistic traps. I understand my commentary tends to grate sometimes…I try and keep a balance with what I report and keep snide remarks to a minimum. But blogs do take positions and make no apologies for the positions they take.

Chances are if we were to meet on the street, in a store or at university, we would quite possibly be friends. I have good friends who are on the other side of the fence on this and many other issues. I’m not an unreasonable person, nor avaricious. I don’t stand to make money from leasing land—I only have 2/3 of an acre in a residential neighborhood! At its very core, the struggle in New York is over private property rights and liberty—the right to do with your land as you see fit, provided it does not harm others. Gas drilling does not harm people nor the environment. Does it affect the environment? Sure—but it’s limited, and believe it or not, clearing some trees and drilling a hole in the ground, and even pumping a few million gallons of water with chemicals, does not irreparably damage Mother Earth and it certainly does not pollute drinking water supplies. I encourage you to dig deeper in your own research and not fall prey to the standard environmentalist party line.

I hope this helps you understand a bit more about MDN and the writer behind it. Thanks for reading MDN, and thanks for taking the time to write.

Jim Willis
Editor, MDN

Marcellus Drilling News – State of the Blog

Thanks to the many regular readers and email subscribers visiting this blog/news service, activity for the Marcellus Drilling News website has grown rapidly. As editor of MDN, I want to personally thank you for visiting and reading. In the last 30 days alone, we’ve had 5,000 visits to this blog. There is a real hunger for information about drilling in the Marcellus Shale.

In the coming weeks and months I plan to revise the look and feel of the website to make it easier to find the content you want to read. People read this blog for differing reasons, but it is written primarily for and about issues that landowners in the Marcellus Shale region are interested in. With 15-20 new posts each week, the information provided on MDN can be somewhat of a “fire hose.” Perhaps one of the best ways of keeping track is to subscribe to the daily email alert. Let me assure you, your email address and details are never sold, traded or disclosed in any fashion. And you have the power to unsubscribe at any time. Each daily email (only issued when there’s new posts added the previous day) contains the headline and the first few lines so you can see whether or not you want to click and read the entire article. Why not take a moment and subscribe now?

All news services, especially blogs, have a bias or point of view. Those who tell you they are completely impartial are not being truthful. Let me be clear about my own viewpoint: I am pro-drilling. I believe horizontal drilling/hydraulic fracturing is safe and should be done. The benefits are huge, and the time is right. We can and must move forward with drilling in the Marcellus (particularly in New York State where I live).

But I am also concerned, as a homeowner living in a semi-rural area (with 2/3 of an acre of land, not enough to lease), about truck traffic, damage to roads, noise, potential for accidents and spills, etc. I balance those concerns against the facts that drilling of this type has gone on for years and it has been safe. Contrary to doom and gloom predictions that the environment will be irreparably damaged and people’s drinking water will be contaminated, the facts are, drilling is safe and problems related to drilling are rare.

Unlike anti-drilling opponents, I don’t believe energy companies are out to grab money with no concern for the environment. On the other hand, the deal a landowner strikes with an energy company to allow drilling is, in some senses, “adversarial.” There are two parties to every contract. The landowner must be careful about the lease they sign, that the lease spells out in detail how the drilling company will perform and the consequences for violating those standards. Nothing wrong with that. Trust, but verify.

I believe landowners and energy companies can work together to accomplish something incredible here in the Marcellus Shale. I respect the other side of the drilling debate and, when warranted (and true), I include information about the negatives of drilling. We must not cover up or ignore the problems. Our attitude should be that of working together to find solutions to problems when they occur, and in the process, moving all of us forward. Although people on both sides of the drilling debate are passionate, and sometimes patience wears thin, we should all remain civil. The truth will win out, of that I’m confident.

Again, thanks for reading MDN, and feel free to drop me a line anytime. If you have any bits of news you think would be of interest to landowners, please send it. I can’t guarantee I’ll post it, but chances are good that I will! I’m also open to “guest posts” on the blog, so if you want to submit an article, feel free and I will consider it.

Kind regards,

Jim Willis
Marcellus Drilling News
[email protected]