The One Fracking Poll Gov Cuomo *Should* Be Worried About

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MDN subscriber and friend Ken Kamlet, an attorney with one of Binghamton's premier law firms--Hinman, Howard & Kattell (HHK), recently wrote an article for the HHK legal blog that takes a close look at public polling in New York State on the issue of shale drilling and fracking. It's a marvelous article, both in depth and breadth, providing superb insights into what New Yorkers think about the drilling issue (we recommend you read the whole article). In Ken's conclusion, he hits on the one public poll that should matter the most to NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo. And no, it's not how many New Yorkers are for or against fracking and shale drilling. The poll that Cuomo should pay attention to is the one that shows a convincing majority of New Yorkers on both sides of the drilling issue believe Cuomo is "dragging his feet" on the drilling issue. Rather than being perceived as careful and deliberative on the drilling issue, he is instead perceived as weak and ineffective, lacking leadership--not good qualities for someone who seeks higher office...

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