McClendon Gets Sued in OH Over New Company’s Name
It's no secret that coal has taken a beating from abundant, cheap shale gas. Natural gas burns cleaner than coal--there's just no disputing that fact. And because of it, natural gas has displaced coal at a number of electrical generating plants around the country. However, coal remains a very important fossil fuel that powers much (in fact most) of American electricity. So it's no surprise that the owner of a number of Ohio coal mines is a bit miffed with Aubrey McClendon.
Robert Murray operates a coal mine near Beallsville (Monroe County), OH under the name American Energy Corp. Aubrey McClendon named his new shale oil & gas company American Energy Partners. Murray is miffed enough with McClendon to sue him for misappropriation of the name American Energy. He believes McClendon has intentionally tried to confuse the marketplace...
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