Gas-to-Liquids Trend Picks Up Steam in Northeast
An interesting trend to keep an eye on: gas-to-liquids (or GTL). Gas-to-liquids converts natural gas into other hydrocarbon compounds--like diesel fuel and chemicals used in manufacturing. If the economics are right, GTL may well become an important market for an abundance of very cheap natural gas in the Marcellus/Utica region. In fact, MDN has brought you stories about three such facilities that have been announced in the Marcellus/Utica region (see Chemical Manufacturer to Build Gas-to-Liquids Plant in PA; Altoona Area Getting $200M Marcellus Gas-to-Liquids Plant; and Utica Shale Gas-to-Liquids Plant Planned for Ashtabula, OH).
An article by SNL Financial highlights the fact that GTL is not just a northeastern U.S. trend and not just a national trend, but indeed it is an international trend...
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