The Behavioral Differences Between Anti- and Pro-Drillers

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Over the years of covering the debate on fracking and shale drilling, MDN editor Jim Willis has, on many occasions, sat in public meetings and personally witnessed those who oppose drilling (anti-drillers) behaving badly. We understand people having a different viewpoint--wrong viewpoints, but different. We respect that. However, those with an opposite viewpoint don't reciprocate that respect. It's not uncommon for anti-drillers to boo, clap, hiss and engage in all manner of theatrics and histrionics--especially if there are cameras and microphones in the room. No camera or microphone? They bring them along to record their own rude behavior! Seems it's a source of pride for them. As we've pointed out many times before, many of these people are hippie retreads--either actual hippies from the 60s who seem to have found a new purpose for otherwise dull lives, or college-aged kids who somehow romanticize and view themselves as being cut from the same radical cloth. MDN is not the only place to notice anti-drillers behaving badly. Forbes magazine has too...

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