New Western Study IDs Drill Site Equipment that Pollutes Most
An ongoing issue for shale drilling is the seeming conundrum that although we're burning more natural gas and therefore the air, on average, is cleaner--the air is not cleaner in heavily drilled counties. We've seen studies in Pennsylvania (see PA DEP Report: Counties with Fracking Have More Air Pollution), West Virginia (see Did WVDEP Ignore It’s Own Research on Shale Well Air Pollution?) and now Ohio (see UC Hints Air Problems Near Drill Sites in Carroll County Research) that tell us where there's drilling, there's far more air pollution. This is an important issue that isn't going away. Two days ago researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) say they've identified what, precisely, is doing the polluting at drilling sites...
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