Crestwood Execs on Radio to Promote Propane Storage @ Seneca Lake
New York State is stuck in reverse. We can't get shale drilling going. And shrill anti-fossil fuelers have gone so far as to illegally block the entrance to the future site of an underground storage facility for liquefied petroleum gas (propane) because they believe converting the depleted salt cavern into storing natural gas will lead to fracking in NY (see 10 Antis Arrested for Blocking Crestwood Facility at Seneca Lake). It's so backward it's hard to find words. However, there is hope. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has now blessed the Crestwood project, and the NY State Dept. of Environmental Conservation, which has delayed approving the project since 2009, has finally issued a draft permit and scheduled a hearing next February that will (hopefully) lead to a permanent permit to allow the facility. Which is why anti-drillers have been nuttier than usual lately. The Joint Landowners Coalition of New York (JLCNY) is hosting a radio program on the Sunday after Thanksgiving to air the real story of this facility and what it will mean for all New Yorkers...
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