New Research: Fugitive Methane Declines, Without Onerous EPA Regs

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Play along for a minute. Pretend you believe that carbon (the thing you breathe out with every breath) and so-called "fugitive" methane (rascally devil escapes from oil and gas drilling operations) are causing the earth's temp to spike. We know, we know. The earth's average temp hasn't gone up in 18 years--but we said, just play along here for a minute, k? If you're a man-causes-global warming believer, it stands to reason you'd like to see less carbon and less methane. Both are already happening--without the jackbooted regulations of the federal EPA. The latest evidence is tabulated by Energy in Depth, the public relations arm of the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA). EID's report tabulates the latest science which shows fugitive methane emissions in major shale plays--including the Marcellus and Utica--have gone DOWN, significantly--from 2011 to 2013...

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