EIA List of Top 100 Oil & Gas Fields – Shale has Changed the Picture

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In 2009 the number one oil producing formation in the United States was Prudhoe Bay in Alaska. Six years later Prudhoe Bay has fallen to #3 in the list, surpassed by both the Eagle Ford (#1) and Permian Basin (#2), both shale plays in Texas. In 2009 the mighty Marcellus was in the bottom half of the list of the top 100 producing formations. Today? It's #1, thanks to the miracle of fracking shale. Last week the U.S. Energy Information Administration released an updated list of the top 100 U.S. oil and natural gas fields. Below we have that report, showing the top 100 oil fields and the top 100 natural gas fields. Shale has literally changed the landscape of the oil and gas industry in our country...

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