A coalition of Big Green environmental groups, with seemingly endless piles of cash to launch frivolous lawsuits, are launching another "sue and settle" lawsuit against the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The usual suspects are involved: Environmental Integrity Project, Natural Resources Defense Council, Earthworks, Responsible Drilling Alliance, San Juan Citizens Alliance, West Virginia Surface Owners’ Rights Organization, and the Center for Health, Environment and Justice. The Big Green groups are attempting to force the EPA to end the legal practice of wastewater disposal via injection wells, and drill cuttings disposal in landfills--largely in the Marcellus/Utica area. After all, much of the production of natural gas is in the northeast in the Marcellus/Utica, and the aim of these nutters is to end all fossil fuel production in the United States. So like a drive-by assassin, they load their litigation weapons and shoot, repeatedly, at our region. Enough. When will our side shoot back? When will we launch lawsuit after lawsuit against these groups and de-fund them using their own methods against them?...
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