Warning: You're now entering... the anti-fossil fuel Twilight Zone. An anti-fossil fuel group that calls itself ForestEthics last week launched what they hope will be a public relations sensation--a campaign to scare the wits out of every person in the country, particularly young children. Their angle? If a rail tanker car carrying crude oil passes anywhere within a mile of where you are--BANG!--it may blow up and if you're within a mile, you're in "the blast zone." They've even produced a handy dandy online mapping app where you can plug in your address and see if you live or work or (shutter) go to school in a blast zone. DANGER WILL ROBINSON! RUN FOR THE HILLS!! Of course, this is just another anti-fossil fuel campaign aimed at taking us back to the Stone Ages where we all burn wood for fuel. Oh wait, that creates carbon--can't do that! Better yet, let's just extinguish all carbon-generating human life--we're a just pestilence on precious Mother Earth, ya know...
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