Panel of 7 PA Senators to Determine AG Kathleen Kane’s Fate
The end is near for accused criminal Kathleen Kane. Kane also happens to be the top law enforcement officer in Pennsylvania--the PA Attorney General. We've covered the rapid rise and fall of Kathleen Kane. She's a hardened anti-driller bent on attacking the Marcellus industry which is why we're doing a happy dance that she'll soon be gone. However, the Marcellus industry has nothing to do with her impending removal from office. Kane leaked protected grand jury information to a reporter in an attempt to discredit a political enemy, and then she lied under oath about it--the worst offense anyone who's a member of the justice system can do. If truth is not sacrosanct in the justice system, it all comes unraveled. You lie under oath and it's the equivalent of a death sentence--you have no future in the justice system. Kane violated that trust and her oath and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court suspended her license to practice law (see End is Near: PA AG Kane’s Law License Suspended by Supreme Court). Now a panel of Pennsylvania Senators will decide her fate. The special panel is holding a series of public meetings to discuss whether or not she can still do her job without a law license. At the end of November the panel will then vote--and if the vote goes against her it goes to the whole Senate for a vote, and if they vote against her, Kane will be forcibly removed from office...
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