CO2 Emissions Will Go Up 33% Despite Paris Summit, Obama Bluster

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cigarYou may recall a few months back when President Barack Hussein Obama signed the Paris climate treaty, referred to as COP21. As we wrote at the time, the treaty is not binding on the U.S. because it's not been ratified by the Senate (see Paris Climate Treaty Signed by Obama NOT Binding on U.S.). Nice try O. Close, but no carbon-emitting cigar for you. The treaty aims to force the countries of the world to subjugate themselves and their national sovereignty to the United Nations, who will impose draconian steps to lower the amount of carbon dioxide (the stuff you breathe out with every breath you take) in an idiotic attempt to solve man-made global warming. We know we know, global warming doesn't exist. But you can't tell that to people with closed minds. Here's the thing: Obama's own executive branch in the form of our favorite government agency--the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)--has just released a report that says even with COP21 the amount of carbon that will be emitted into the atmosphere by 2040 will go up at least one-third! Why? Because the countries outside of the group signing COP21 have absolutely no plans to shoot themselves in the head and will continue to belch out carbon as fast as they can. So yes, COP21 was futile and meaningless...

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