Below is an article not directly mentioning or tied to the Marcellus/Utica, but we can't help but wonder if there are not applications for our region. The article focuses on the marketing and "packaging" of LNG (liquefied natural gas) as the new and "hottest" thing to hit the power generation world. If an electric power generating plant (that uses natgas) doesn't sit along the route of a natgas pipeline, it needs to get that natgas via other means. Many countries around the world--not just the U.S.--are making a change from burning coal to burning natural gas. So getting the gas to the plant is an issue. There is a long chain of vendors between where gas is produced and where it gets used at a powergen plant. The gas is extracted and then hits a pipeline. That pipeline must, at some point, flow to an LNG liquefaction plant that cools and condenses the gas. The LNG is then loaded on a ship (typically) and sailed to another country. At the other country the LNG is offloaded, delivered to the end user, and before it gets used, it must go through a regasification process. There's a lot of moving parts and logistics involved in moving LNG from point A to point B. So what if a company, or coalition of companies, were to form an alliance and market a 'one stop shopping' solution for power plants and the governments in other countries that want to use LNG? That's the premise, and that's the promise of what is beginning to be offered. No new technology--just a new way to market it. Which has applications for our own region...
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