Journal ‘Science’ Pimps Itself to the Democrat Party with Op-Ed
Science, as in the storied journal, is supposed to be about, well, science. Instead, they've opened up their pages to politics. Not that Science hasn't long been bastardized by and riddled with politics. But just like mainstream media was unmasked during this last election as being TOTALLY biased and willing to "shade" the truth (i.e. lie), Science is now unmasked. Barack Hussein Obama submitted an article to the journal about global warming, as an exercise in mass propaganda, to try and create the meme that he actually achieved great things related to energy while in office--i.e., his "legacy." The opposite is true. In the Science article (below) Obama alludes to the rise of fracking as lowering carbon emissions, but he can't even bring himself to actually refer to fracking or hydraulic fracturing in the article itself. That would tick off his radical base. The entire article is about global warming and how mankind is causing it--pure rubbish and non-science. But there you go. Our point is that it is now only too obvious that Science is to the scientific world what the National Enquirer is to the "news" world...
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