List of 10 Utica-Powered Electric Plant Projects Coming to Ohio

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Note: Thanks to our trusty fact-checker, Jim has fixed a few numbers below. Had a wrong decimal! Here's an interesting number: 9,805. That's how many megawatts of electricity will be produced each and every hour by Utica Shale-powered electric plants if 10 announced projects get built in Ohio. To put it in perspective, 9,805 megawatts is enough to power 9.8 million homes, if the power runs continuously. Ohio's population is 11.5 million people living in 4.4 million households. Obviously the plants don't run at full tilt 24/7/365. The U.S. Energy Information Administration reported in 2015 that combined-cycle natgas electric plants ran at an average of 56.3% of the time. Where are we going with this? Those 10 plants, if they all get built, have the potential to use a maximum (24/7/365) of 98 million cubic feet (MMcf) of Utica Shale gas each and every hour. That's about 0.1 billion cubic feet (Bcf) per hour. But let's assume the plants all average running times of 56.3%. That's still 55 MMcf/hour, 0.05 Bcf/hour. There are, last time we checked, 24 hours in a day, which means over the next several years, as these plants go online, these 10 electric plants alone will sop up a huge 1.2 Bcf of Utica gas per day. The Utica, right now, is producing something like 4.2 Bcf/d. Our point: electric generation is a very important new market for both Utica and Marcellus gas. Below is the list of the 10 natgas electric generation projects announced for Ohio, complete with name, location, megawatts produced and status of the project...

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