Good Sign: Large Number of Abstractors Return to Wheeling, WV

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If you're in business, you've no doubt heard of "leading indicators" and "lagging indicators." Example: When it comes to employment, a leading indicator would be an increase in work at temporary agencies (a rapid ramp-up in new employees), which means the economy is about to heat up and do better. A lagging indicator would be the official unemployment numbers--higher unemployment means an economy doing worse, lower unemployment means an economy doing better. When it comes to drilling activity, MDN has long used two metrics as leading indicators--that drilling activity is about to pick up. One is new permits issued. Drillers don't spend big bucks to apply for permits they don't intend to use--and use soon. However, there's another, even earlier leading indicator, a predictor that more drilling is on the way in the next 6-12 months. That indicator is packed record halls at the local county clerk's office. Before lease deals are signed, sealed and delivered, drillers must first ensure there is a clear title--that the person who says he/she owns the mineral rights for a given property, actually does. That's where abstractors come in. Abstractors research deed records at the county clerk's office. In the past we've noted there are some counties where there is a waiting line to get in to access records (see Tyler WV Courthouse Overrun with Abstractors – Drilling Signal?). When the price of natural gas crashed and drilling slowed, the large number of abstractors disappeared. Guess what? They baaaaack! At least in Wheeling, WV...

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