Jobs in Building Trades “Strong” for Next 3 Yrs in OH Utica
Those who oppose fossil fuels try various arguments to convince the general public that extracting oil and gas is bad for the environment. They claim (without facts or proof) that drilling pollutes the water, it pollutes the air, it does permanent damage to the environment. When faced with lack of evidence, antis slip-slide into other arguments against drilling and pipelines. An undeniable benefit from the shale industry is jobs. That includes jobs building pipelines. You need an army of bulldozers, backhoes, truckers, welders and construction workers to lay a pipeline (see today's lead story and the awesome video of the Rover Pipeline getting built in Richland County). Antis say, "But jobs building pipelines and power plants and processing plants are temporary. They're illusory. No long-term benefit." We'll never forget the powerful statement given at a hearing about the proposed Constitution Pipeline from Francis Cooney, a 28-year member of the plumber and pipe-fitters union. He said this in response to the "those jobs are temporary" meme offered by antis that evening: “For 28 years every job I’ve had has been a temporary job! My temporary jobs have put two kids through Syracuse University” (see Vicariously Attend FERC Scoping Hearing on Constitution Pipeline). Which obliterates the nonsense about "temporary jobs." Good news for Ohioans who work "temporary jobs" in the trades in Stark and surrounding counties: Dave Kirven, president of the East Central Ohio Building & Construction Trades Council, says there's plenty of work for tradespeople--that demand is "strong" for tradespeople for at least the next three years. Why? Mostly due to the Utica Shale...
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